7 Different Types of 3D Animation Styles for Marketing
The number of companies using video marketing seems to be growing each year. It appears that companies and brands of all sizes are connecting the power of online video. Online video is an extensive term, but as there are so many different video formats that can be used to identify a brand, it isn’t easy to know which path to take. Are you about to shoot in real-time, or are you interested in making an animation? Many brands take the approach of animation for several reasons.
Today, 3D animations are everywhere in movies, games, commercials, architecture, etc. This illustrates the fact that modern companies see 3D as a powerful digital marketing tool. 3D content needs to be powerful enough to attract your audience, no matter what 3D requirements are in front of them, whether it’s modeling products or creating unique special effects. Likewise, the current business is so competitive that products need to be put on the market promptly. Several 3D animation styles can speed up the animation process and help you get to market faster. Let’s look at some of them.
What Is 3D Animation?
3D animation is when an object created on a computer appears to be moving in three-dimensional mode. 3D animation allows you to move and rotate objects according to the same principles as in the real world. Computer animation uses 3D computer graphics to create two-dimensional videos that represent three dimensions. 3D animation is used in many sectors, such as games and medicine, and is commonly used for demonstration and marketing in all industries.
Inverse Kinematic (IK)
Utmost animations are created by handling bone joints to give them a dynamic appearance. Inverse kinematics (IK) is a technique that uses bones to simulate a character’s natural body movements. IK is beneficial in 3D animation. The animation process is simplified, and you can create advanced animations with ease. IK is often used as an effective solution for tying a character’s arms and legs. For example, to animate in-game characters, such as offensive characters, artists can use IK to simulate sitting and flexing their knees.
IK accomplishes this by placing the last bone in the bone chain and placing the other bones automatically. For example, if your character’s hands are animated, his arms will naturally follow continuous movements, such as twisting and flexing. IK is useful for creating animations, like picking apples or putting your feet on the ground while walking.
Digital 3D
Digital 3D is the latest technology on the 3D animation list. Use software (Houdini, LightWave, Maya, etc.) Create computer-generated (CGI) images to deliver movies that are more realistic than older 3D films. The older 3D uses red, blue, or green filters on one side. Due to the incorrect color of the visible, these lenses can cause observer headache, eye fatigue, or nausea.
In digital 3D, conversely, polarizers are used. The polarization of each lens is different, and only the right light wave can travel. Films made with this technique do not look green or red in normal viewing but look blurry without the glass.
Motion Capture
Motion capture records the movement of people or objects. Digitally animate video characters with body expressions and movements. You will see the technique that Gollum uses, the characters in the Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit trilogy. The filmmaker recorded the actions and performances of Andrew Serkis.
Non-photo-realistic Rendering (NPR)
Non-photo-realistic rendering (NPR) offers artists another way to create stories that are different from conventional animations and strive to be as realistic as possible. Realistic rendering creates realistic-looking videos. The videos produced by NPR mimic the 3D world of the real world. The impression that NPR gives people is that the video draws characters, backgrounds, sketches, or is drawn with a pencil.
NPR resembles traditional animation but is produced by CGI. Cel-shaded animation is a type of NPR format that makes a 3D object smoother and less colorful. It appears to be a “flat” 3D style, similar to anime.
Stereoscopic 3D
Stereoscopic 3D video can improve the viewer’s bias from the perceived depth. This comes from the practice of stereoscopic photography, where the left and right eyes show two offset images, respectively. For video, separate cameras are used to record images or scenes from two angles, simulating the distance between the viewer’s eyes. When the viewer uses a filter, the brain combines the two views, giving the viewer the illusion of depth on and off the screen. This makes the viewer feel that an object in the video is jumping off the screen.
An additional variant of the stop-motion technique, “Pixilation,” also uses a frame-by-frame method to capture the movement of the object. However, pixilation uses live actors, not paper, clay, and plastic. Live actors usually put images on the screen when taking pictures to minimize movement. Many videos use this technique to mix live actors with animated backgrounds.
Fluid Simulation
Have you ever wondered how they create stormy waves, erupting volcanoes, massive waterfalls, etc. in the movies? This effect is achieved by dynamic fluid simulation. It is used to produce realistic animations of flow objects, such as water, fire, clouds, smoke, and explosions. With fluid simulation, you can create open water, realistic atmospheric effects, fireworks, vicious currents, etc. Fluid simulation has been widely used by marketers, such as movies, games, and commercials.
Wrapping Up
Advances in technology have created a variety of 3D animations. No matter what method you use to record video, get your brand message across effectively. Animation specialists at Get Set Go Web are proud to use these advanced technologies and other features in their client projects. With the right technology and tools, we can help customers complete their tasks faster, without compromising on quality.
Building products with professional 3D animation companies like Get Set Go Web can guarantee high-quality animation. You can use fast and efficient animation with the right techniques and tools to meet your needs. Do you have any idea? Contact us immediately. We work together to transform your idea into reality.
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